Free gay movies from belami

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Clotilde uses her extreme wealth to get the couple an apartment solely to carry out their affair in. Clotilde is married but her husband is often away of business. Georges then starts sleeping with Clotilde who is a friend of Madeleine's. She only seeks to help him get his career off the ground. Madeleine has no interest in a romantic relationship with Georges. He soon meets and becomes entranced with the beautiful Madeleine. Georges uses Charles as a way to get into high society.

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Georges is assisted in making a name for himself in Paris by his friendship with a wealthy man named Charles. While there, Georges attempts to use wealthy women for his financial gain while appearing to be in love with them. He desperately wants to improve his social status and to become wealthy so he heads to Paris. Georges is extremely poor and has not a dime to his name.

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Robert Pattinson plays Georges Duroy, a soldier returning from war to the city of Paris.

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Bel Ami is a dramatic film that stars Robert Pattinson and Uma Thurman.

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